Loincloth! Mechanical owl!
(the latest newsletter... :)
So, hey. Have you ever met a girl you like, you know... kinda feel a little bit special about? Like she makes you feel all jiggly inside? Like, she makes you want to mmm... you know. So yeah, when you made up your mind to get your move on, didjya like transform yourself into like a bull or a shower of gold or a swan or a cloud? Like Zeus? How'd that work out for you?
Head! Paper! Now!
OK, I'm sorry for being random, but I've recently discovered the miracle of Netflix streaming on demand, and I've been watching a whole lot of movies. And 30 Rock.
But when I haven't been watching movies, I've been making records and booking shows!
Booking Shows
We are playing two shows this month, both on ... Wednesdays! (Read on...)
First, THIS WEDNESDAY May 12, we are rocking Lawrence, KS with the both inimitable and luscious Hidden Pictures. Show's at the Replay Lounge, and will start right around 10:30 (fo realz - we honor yo bedtimez.)
The Sexy Accident will play first, followed by Hidden Pictures around 11:30. Be there!
Then, on Wednesday May 19, we will play Troubadour's Music Club at Bulldog in KC, hosted by the inimitable and luscious Kirsten Paludan! Those festivities begin around 8pm.
Making Records
Our new EP, entitled Now That She's Gone will be released on June 1, digitally, and on CD at our tour kickoff / CD release show at the Record Bar on June 9!
The new record is both inimitable and luscious, and you will truly enjoy it, or I will punch your face.
"The Sexy Accident Wants To Be Your Milkman"
Now I tell you about our most affordable and awesome T-Shirt EVAR!! The new shirt features the cunning slogan above, and a strangely cute/creepy design by the inimitable and luscious Christine Schumaker (aka Chubi B.) It's also bargain-basement priced at $10 shipped.
You can buy this shirt by clicking on this underlined hypertext link!
And with that, internets, I must depart! It is time for me to go out on a date with my wife, who is both inimitable and luscious.
- Jesse Kates / The Sexy Accident - Download our music for FREE
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